Your Trust Fiduciary/Trustee—-Friend or Foe??

With the financial conflicts facing individuals and families today and the aging of the general population, more trust beneficiaries and family members are becoming concerned with the fiduciary duties of the trustees of their individual trusts. The fiduciary duty is a legal relationship, obligation and trust to act in the best interest of the beneficiary. [...]

By |2024-10-16T16:02:44+00:00October 16th, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on Your Trust Fiduciary/Trustee—-Friend or Foe??

No Will: Now What?

When your loved one dies without a will, the Texas probate process can be expensive and frustrating. Absent a will, an individual must have his or her estate distributed per the laws of Intestate Succession. Intestacy is the process by which the Texas probate code will determine which assets go to whom. If your mother [...]

By |2024-10-02T18:00:47+00:00October 2nd, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on No Will: Now What?

Children Born Outside of Marriage: Unknown Descendants that May Inherit

Creating a Will is extremely important for individuals that have a sizable estate in the Dallas and DFW metroplex. Time and time again, individuals refuse to properly prepare for death and do not see the proper preparation of a legal and valid will as a necessity.  When you refuse to prepare a Will, then your [...]

By |2024-09-09T15:00:43+00:00September 9th, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on Children Born Outside of Marriage: Unknown Descendants that May Inherit

The Duties of an Executor of a Texas Will

The executor of a will is the person chosen by the deceased to administrate the provisions of the will of his/her estate. The executor must be eighteen years older and have no prior felony convictions. Executors are usually family members, accountants or lawyers. The duties of the executor start at the time of death and [...]

By |2024-08-20T18:00:28+00:00August 20th, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on The Duties of an Executor of a Texas Will

Contesting a Will in Texas

Typically, standing to contest the validity of a Will is limited to two classes of persons: 1) a person who is named on the face of the Will (i.e. any beneficiary); and 2) a person who would inherit from the testator if the Will was invalid.  The most common grounds, or reasons, for contesting a [...]

By |2024-08-07T14:03:14+00:00August 7th, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on Contesting a Will in Texas

How an Executor of “The Will” Might Be Breaching His/Her Fiduciary Duty

The executor of a Texas will is the person chosen by the deceased to administrate the provisions of the will of his/her estate. The executor must be at least eighteen years old and have no prior felony convictions. Executors are usually family members, accountants, or lawyers. The duties of the executor start at the time [...]

By |2024-07-25T17:06:01+00:00July 25th, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on How an Executor of “The Will” Might Be Breaching His/Her Fiduciary Duty

Children Born Outside of Marriage: Unknown Descendants that May Inherit

Creating a Will is extremely important for individuals that have a sizable estate in the Dallas and DFW metroplex. Time and time again, individuals refuse to properly prepare for death and do not see the proper preparation of a legal and valid will as a necessity.  When you refuse to prepare a Will, then your [...]

By |2024-06-27T01:25:25+00:00June 27th, 2024|Wills and Trusts|Comments Off on Children Born Outside of Marriage: Unknown Descendants that May Inherit
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